Images: Supplied / Raine & Horne

Got A Spare $2.5 Million? Xavier Rudd’s Byron Bay Pad Is Up For Sale

If you’re on the hunt for a house around Byron Bay and have a spare $2.5 million, look no further, because Xavier Rudd‘s muso-friendly pad has just gone up for sale.

The singer-songwriter’s huge retreat north of Byron Bay is currently on the market, and it’s reportedly aiming to sell for between $2.45 million and $2.695 million.

The four bedroom, 1.27 acre property in New Brighton on the banks of Marshall’s Creek features a recording studio with double glazed windows and soundproofing, “hand-crafted clay light fittings made by local artisans”, a wine cellar, solar panels and a even a fricken’ pizza oven.

What’s more, it was all “designed to create a seamless connection with nature”, because, well, Xavier Rudd.

Rudd reportedly paid $722,500 for the land back in 2012, but it’s unclear how much it cost him to build the house.

If you’re interested in the property or just want a stickybeak, catch some photos of it below and more details at the Raine & Horne website.

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xavier rudd house 3 source raine and horne

xavier rudd house 4 source raine and horne

Images: Raine & Horne

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