Image Via Facebook / Laneway Festival

Here’s Where Not To Sit At Laneway Festival

The 2016 edition of St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival is in full swing, almost two-thirds of the way through its Aussie run.

And we thought that meant it might be a good time to brush up on our festival etiquette.

As well as a few unwritten codes of conduct for avoiding being pinned as “that guy” at a music festival, such as “don’t wear sunnies after dark”, “don’t hurl projectiles into the crowd” and “don’t shit in the port-a-loo”, here’s another simple guideline for avoiding astonishing feats of douchebaggery at these kinds of events:

Don’t cop a squat in the middle of the pit.

At a festival such as Laneway, there are plenty of opportune patches of grass upon which you and your mates can graze and picnic to your hipster hearts’ content. However, right in the centre of the mosh is not one of them.

And I don’t care if the music is un-moshable, that does not make it OK.

A group of punters at this year’s Laneway, however, did not heed this unspoken rule, prompting one of their disgruntled peers to film their actions and upload the footage to YouTube under the title of “Laneway Jerks”.

Check it out below, and remember: don’t do what Donny Don’t does.

Read: The Music Feeds Guide To Festival Etiquette.

Watch: Laneway Jerks

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