Iggy Pop Tortured Into Praising Justin Bieber

Iggy Pop has hailed Justin Bieber as “the future of rock ‘n’ roll,” in a manner not dissimilar to North Korean prisoners sternly proclaiming that Kim Jong-un controls the weather. It’s all part of a new anti-torture campaign by the Belgian branch of human rights organisation Amnesty International.

“Torture a man and he will tell you anything,” reads the campaign’s slogan. To drive the point home, we have a battered and bloodied Godfather of Punk saying things no sane man could say unless subjected to vile torments. “In addition to being inhumane, torture is ineffective. Let’s stop it,” reads a caption below the photo. Also on board the new campaign are the Dalai Lama and Karl Lagerfeld.

“A man who does not have a Rolex watch at 50 years old has failed in his life,” His famously anti-materialist Holiness declares. Meanwhile, the famously tasteful and notoriously elitist Lagerfeld touts the fashion merits of Hawaiian shirts paired with sandals – a little more tongue-in-cheek, this one.

“For us [this campaign] was a quirky but not sloppy way to attract public attention to this tragic reality, which often happens in the greatest secrecy,” said Amnesty International Belgium director Philippe Hensmans, via Consequence of Sound. Readers can check all three images below.

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