The Inventor Of In-Ear Monitors Wants To Help Brian Johnson Return To Performing With AC/DC

Brian Johnson‘s departure from AC/DC due to his severe hearing loss was bemoaned by many, but his statement last month made it clear that he had no choice – as his lack of hearing was affecting his performance ability.

Even though Axl Rose killed his first performance in Johnson’s former role, there is a huge section of the band’s fanbase that aren’t too pleased with the addition of Rose – with thousands of punters asking for refunds from the band’s European tour.

Now, the inventor of the wireless in-ear monitor may have a solution to get Johnson back up on stage. Stephen Ambrose, founder of Asius Technologies has uploaded a video to YouTube containing an open message to Brian Johnson imploring him not to stop performing.

Ambrose has partnered with 64 Audio to create a new and improved in ear monitor that will filter out the static pressure that comes from music across the full sound spectrum. The result is an improved sense of hearing for the wearer, and a reduced risk of any further hearing loss.

The device “introduces a second synthetic ear drum into your ear canal which absorbs only the harmful sound pressures, keeps them from damaging your ears, and even allows lower volumes to sound louder and far better. Instead of causing rapid hearing loss, this new technology promises to effectively protect vast millions from hearing loss”, explains Ambrose.

Ambrose also made it clear that although he loves Axl Rose, he can’t see AC/DC being its true self without Johnson. “Brian, I introduced Guns N’ Roses to in-ear monitors in 1990, and I’m a big fan of Axl Rose’s voice,” he says. “But let’s be clear: I’m with Roger Daltry on this. I really can’t imagine anyone but you singing ‘Back In Black,’ or any other part of the show for that matter.”

Check out the video in full, below.


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