John Frusciante (Ex-RHCP) Releases Solo Work

The Red Hot Chili Peppers are just one of those bands who will keep releasing records, much to the detriment of their original fans. And for all the new school fans, drawn in with releases like Stadium Arcadium and I’m With You, I’m sorry, but the band you’re listening too really isn’t the original Chili Peppers.

Over the years the band has had an unusually high turnover rate for the position of lead guitarist. Before settling down with their current lineup, the role was filled by the likes of Dave Navaro, though more recently John Frusciante.

It could be argued that the moment Frusciante left, which was apparently for a number of reasons, the Chili Peppers started to lose their edge, their signature weirdness. They became a much more series version of the fun and mischief they at one point would totally ooze. But Frusciante has returned. Now armed with a full length set to drop later in the year and an EP coming out very soon, fans of the RHCP are now able to find where that strange went.

Both are now streaming over at the ol’ Tube and feature names like Letur-lefr. It’s bound to be a bit out there, so out there that I can’t seem to find what it means, even on Google!

So take a look at the new tunes below; is it something you could get into?

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