Kimbra, M-Phazes & Miami Horror Collaborating

In a recent interview with Music Feeds, local hip hop producer and beatmaker M-Phazes let slip that off the back off his work on Melbourne pop sensation Kimbra‘s album he and the starlet, as well as Miami Horror bassist Josh Moriarty have been working on a cheeky side project, that is as yet unnamed, at least officially.

Speaking to Music Feeds about what he has planned for the rest of the year, the producer mentioned that he had been “working on Kimbra’s album, which just got released; worked pretty solidly on the whole record helping with co-production and I also made one beat on it.” However more than just an isolated moment of collaboration, working together seems to have unearthed a burgeoning musical relationship, one that M-Phazes is very excited about. “We’re working on a little side project ourselves, which I hope to do some more work on in the next few months”

While it may be some time before we see the results of this collaboration, as M-Phazes himself points out “depending on how busy she is with her album out and everything, she probably won’t have time for this little project,” it won’t be for any lack of enthusiasm. “I’d really like to squeeze a few more songs out for it.”

However the collaboration doesn’t stop there, with yet another figure from the local music scene having joined on for the ride. “We’re also working with Josh Moriarty from Miami Horror,” M-Phazes said, adding enthusiastically that he’s “just really excited about it.”

With no word yet as to what the music itself will sound like, with these three flavours in the mix one can only presume the results will be impressive. Kimbra and Miami Horror have worked together before though, so you get the idea.

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