Mastodon Have “25 to 30” New Tracks For Forthcoming Album

As they continue inflicting a punishing live show onto audiences all over the world, Mastodon have been hard at it working on their forthcoming full-length album. With a release date yet to be attached to the record, guitarist Bill Kelliher has told Metal Hammer that they have around 30 new compositions to select the tracklist from.

During the interview backstage at the Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival in California, Killiher explains that so far the band have “25, 30 songs ready to go on the new record”. This doesn’t mean that we can expect a super long record however, as Killiher says, “We won’t be using all of them, obviously, but we’re in a much better place than we’ve ever been as far as being prepared for pre-production for an album.”

The album will follow on from 2011’s The Hunter. That particular record is just shy of 2 years old now, leaving fans yearning for more material from the band and, by the sound of things, we will be yearning a while longer. Killiher comments on the expected release date of the album, “We’d like to get the record finished by the end of the year and have it out after the holidays are over with. Maybe like March or April.”

Watch the interview below, worth it just for the time Bill spends expressing his love of beards.

Watch: Mastodon interview with Bill Killiher

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