Mastodon, Mars Volta, Dillinger Escape Plan Members Form Supergroup

Members Of Mastodon, Dillinger Escape Plan, Mars Volta are Planning to Form Supergroup according to Aol’s Noisecreep blog. The band will consist of Mastodon guitarist Brent Hinds, Mars Volta drummer Thomas Pridgen, Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman, and former Jane’s Addiction bassist Eric Avery.

The main problem the group face at the moment is distance, with members of the band residing on opposite ends of the US. “We tried to get together and do an album, but there’s been no time. We want to record crazy stuff and Ben is working on that, but it’s been hard to get together.” Hinds told Noisecreep.

The collective is currently un-named, but Hinds threw in the suggestion Giraffe Tongue. Why? “because they look sick.”

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