Metronomy ‘The English Riviera’ New Album Out May

Electro pop band Metronomy have announced their album The English Riviera for a May 6th release. It is the follow up to 2008 release Nights Out

A charming ode to the area of Devon coast, UK frontman and producer Joseph Mount, grew up in, The English Riviera is in part a concept album about his own daydreamed vision of The English Riviera. The tone for the album is set by the opening sounds of seagulls, distant waves and a string quartet. However, any pre-conceived notions of whimsy one might have from the opening title track are quickly dissolved leaving the listener relishing in the gorgeous undulation that is The English Riviera; in particular with the giant swell that is the bass line of We Broke Free and the oceanic shudders of lush layered guitars and synths.


1. The English Riviera

2. We Broke Free

3. Everything Goes My Way

4. The Look

5. She Wants

6. Trouble

7. The Bay

8. Loving Arm

9. Corinne

10. Some Written

11. Love Underlined

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