Image: Pigeons & Planes

There Have Been “MISSING: Frank Ocean” Posters Spotted In NYC

UPDATE 19/06/16: Frank Ocean has released a visual album called Endless.

UPDATE 19/08/16: Frank Ocean is playing new music on the live stream.

Most of us expected to be in possession of Frank Ocean‘s Boys Don’t Cry last week thanks to what looked like a confirmed release date but it didn’t happen and now some great citizen of New York City has taken matters in their own hands.

“MISSING: Frank Ocean” posters have been spotted all around NYC as people have begun speculating that Ocean has disappeared completely.

The excellently worded posters describe Ocean as a “woodworking fanatic”, referring to that cryptic live stream, and also note he, “Didn’t drop an album in his Calvins.” He also, “proved boys do cry,” which is true given the hysterical outcry online for Frank to put everyone out of their misery and drop the album.

If you’ve got any information on Ocean’s whereabouts you’re asked to call 888 – WYA – BRUH and dish up anything you’ve got.

If Pigeons and Planes latest release date info is correct though, it may not be long before we track it down. They asked Apple Support when the album would drop and they were told in the next “24 -72” hours. Usually information from Apple would be pretty reliable but this is Ocean we’re talking about and it seems we can’t confirm anything until the album is in our hands.

The live stream Ocean launched on his website hasn’t moved for more than a week and it’s unknown when or if it will start again.

Check out the posters below via P&P.



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