Image: Morrissey / Facebook

Morrissey’s Cancer Treatment Has “Slowed” Him Down, But He’s Written Another Album

It’s been two years since Morrissey revealed to the world that he was undergoing cancer treatment, and in a recent interview the enigmatic singer-songwriter has given an insight into the toll the treatment has taken, and has also revealed he has written a new album.

Speaking to Israeli publication Walla, Morrissey explains that his cancer treatment has “slowed” him down “considerably”. But rather than just the medication bringing him down, he’s also concerned about the logistics behind the whole process.

“Doctors and hospitals and medications are actually very aging in their way, and they can often exhaust you more than whatever medical problem you have. If I’m asked to give any more blood I think I’ll crack up,” he says.

Since announcing his cancer treatment in 2014, Morrissey has remained unimaginably resilient about his medical condition. Upon telling fans that cancerous cells had now been scrapped away four times, he says, “If I die, then I die. And if I don’t, then I don’t.”

But it doesn’t seem as though the latter is really an option anymore. Morrissey has given an update on a brand new album, which according to the man himself is “written” and ready to go. That is, after a bit of shopping around.

“It is not possible to find a recording deal, so we would record it ourselves as soon as we can find a distributor who could make it available worldwide,” he says.

“There was a time when the music industry served the artist, but now the artist must serve the music industry… which is why everything is now so tasteless.”

The album will follow in the footsteps of 2014’s World Peace Is None of Your Business, and will bring the vocalist to a total of 11 full-length solo albums.

Both Moz’s health and future album plans are highly relevant to Australian fans right now, with the muso set to play shows down under this October.

Watch: Morrissey – ‘Boxers’

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