Morrissey Rushes To Aid Of Elderly Woman In New York Book Store

Here’s one to somewhat restore your faith in humanity. After seeing an elderly woman collapse while browsing in a book store, seminal rock icon Morrissey has rushed to her side, offering assistance and just being a genuinely great dude, according to eye witnesses.

A proactive reader of Queery, who contacted the publication after watching the whole ordeal, explained that Morrissey, who was at Strand Bookstore in New York, was strolling through the photography section on his own when the woman fell. “He picked up her stray belongings and asked if he could get her some water or call for help.”

Apparently the woman, who had “just lost her bearings and was fine”, declined the offer for water and further assistance but not before “she touched Morrissey’s cheek in gratitude! Obviously, she didn’t know who he was, just was touched by this act of kindness from a nice British man.”

The whole thing was over before it began, with Morrissey exiting the bookstore without purchasing anything. As the source stated, “He seemed very shaken up and flustered by the incident and left the store soon afterwards”.

What a legend! Most artists at his level would probably shudder at the thought of touching one of us lesser mortals. Morrissey will be bringing his new good karma with him when he ventures to our shores for a headlining tour very shortly.

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