Paul Kelly Chatting To The Person Behind The “Gravy Man” Parody Twitter Account Is Amazing

Paul Kelly‘s 1998 Christmas song ‘How To Make Gravy’ is a cult Aussie classic, spawning many jokes and leaving December 21st known affectionately as National Gravy Day.

In 2015 someone started a parody Twitter account with the handle @itsthegravyman, and since then the account has become the Kelly’s obscene alter-ego, tweeting everything that you’d imagine Paul is thinking when gravy day comes around each year.

So when Noisey were able to facilitate an interview between the real Paul Kelly, hilarity was bound to, and did ensue, as did plenty of important info about his gravy habits today.

To get things rolling, the Gravy Man asked Paul his opinions on gravy packet mixes, to which he responded wisely “I’ve used Gravox in a pinch. Judge not lest ye shall be judged.”

Kelly then revealed that his own gravy recipe, which is written down on a tea towel he often sells at gigs, was passed down to him by the father of his first wife. He also shattered many of our dreams, when he responded to a question about whether the characters in ‘How To Make Gravy’ were based on real members of his family with a simple “no”.

“The Gravy Man on Twitter is aggressively boastful that he penned the ‘gravy song’ and will use no shortage of profanity to express this. Are you similarly aggressively proud of the song?” asks the Gravy Man, pertinently. Kelly responds perfectly with “I’m fuckin’ proud as!”

Finally, the interview wraps up with a question about whether Paul prefers a bowls club $7 roast with gravy or Red Rooster chips and gravy. “Bowls club every time. PS: I make a pretty fucking good corn beef too,” Kelly responds. “With parsley white sauce and hot English mustard. Steamed beetroot on the side. Yeah.

Kelly management have since confirmed to Music Feeds that the real Paul Kelly did indeed take part in the interview.

Head here for the rest of the gravy-tinged gold.

Watch: Paul Kelly – ‘How To Make Gravy’

Paul Kelly - How To Make Gravy

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