PBS 106.7 FM 2009 Live Music Week 6th – 13th December 2009

Since December 1979 Melbourne Community Radio station PBS 106.7FM has been the ‘home of little-heard music’. Thirty years of broadcasting has seen many musical fashions come and go, but one thing remains constant is PBS and its dedication to live music.

PBS 106.7FM will be serving up a whole week of live music across their programming from 7th December until 13th December – with it all officially kicking off at the PBS 106.7FM Live Music Week Launch taking place on Sunday 6th December at The Corner Hotel, Richmond. Gracing the stage will be Warped; Kylie Auldist; Diafrix; Polo Club; Geoff Achison; Melbourne Mass Gospel Choir; Richi Madan and his Bollywood Dancers; and The PBS Jazz Allstars featuring Paul Williamson with the whole day being broadcast LIVE on 106.7FM.

Whether it’s jazz, folk, blues, rock, punk, country, and so much more, PBS 106.7FM has maintained its ethos of being a home for music that doesn’t get recognition anywhere else. Quite often this music is delivered direct into your lives – your homes, cars, and workplaces, in the form of artists playing live from the Easey Street PBS 106.7FM studios. During Live Music Week there will be an outstanding number of bands – over 60, doing exactly that. Stay tuned for more announcements.

A massive collection of both local and international artists have passed through the doors at PBS 106.7FM in the last 30 years. It is this dedication to live music that means that even in today’s digital era PBS 106.7FM still plays as much of a crucial role in people’s musical education as it did when everyone ‘gathered round the wireless’.

Celebrating the rich diversity of musical offerings that the station offers to their audience 24/7 year round, Live Music Week encapsulates PBS 106.7FM’s dedication to live music. Make sure you are a part of it and come down to The Corner Hotel on Sunday 6th of December for the PBS Live Music Week Launch, and tune into PBS 106.7FM during Live Music Week.

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