Police Are Pretty Stoked With Splendour-Goers Despite Drug Arrests, Assaults & Fence Jumpers

The crime wrap for Splendour In The Grass 2017 is hot off the presses and the cops are generally pretty chuffed with the behaviour of most punters at this year’s Byron Bay bash.

In a year that saw security beefed up to “airport level” and police undertake one of their biggest anti-crime operations in the festival’s history, the number of charges laid was relatively minor.

Of the 32,500 people who attended the festival between Friday and Sunday:

  • 267 were caught in possession of illicit drugs like cannabis, ‘ice’, MDMA or cocaine. Of those, 76 were issued cannabis cautions and another 142 were hit with court attendance notices
  • 12 were charged with drug supply, including a Gold Coast man who was allegedly caught with 60 pingas
  • “More than 65” fence-jumpers copped criminal infringement notices for allegedly trespassing on festival grounds without a valid ticket
  • Five were charged with assault, including a 26-year-old man who allegedly entered a fenced stage area and became violent towards security officers before resisting arrest and assaulting three senior constables

In a statement, police have spruiked the result as a positive one.

“We work closely with the organisers of Splendour to ensure the festival is safe and fun for event staff, performers and music fans, and are pleased the overwhelming majority of revellers were well-behaved,” Tweed/Byron Local Area Commander, Detective Superintendent Wayne Starling says.

“It’s disappointing there were still some people who ignored our advice and tried to bring illegal drugs into the event; however, they were intercepted by our drug-detection dogs.

“In many cases, charges were laid against those who chose to do the wrong thing and they will now be brought before the courts to address those offences.”

Crime numbers were also down from last year, when 323 peeps were nabbed with illicit substances, so top effort all.

Not that you’re probably even awake enough to process it yet. Maybe read this again tomorrow when you’re a bit more functional.

Gallery: Splendour In The Grass 2017 – The Best Of You / Photos By Maria Boyadgis

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