PSY Does Four-Song Set At GoodLife, Including ‘Gangnam Style’ Twice

Those of you heading to Future Music Festival and GoodLife this weekend are possibly curious as to how the world’s biggest novelty act of 2012, PSY, is travelling during his string of shows around the country…and what they actually consist of?

The man responsible for the most-watched YouTube clip in history has been given a half-hour slot at both events, even though he has only one global hit – the infamous Gangnam Style – to his name. So what is a PSY performance actually like?

Well, here’s a bit of an insight. Yours truly was working at the GoodLife festival in Melbourne last night, and after finishing my shift, I decided to hang around and see how PSY would fare amongst the throngs of teeny-boppers, and just how he would pad out his set.

After a bit of a chat with the crowd, and telling Melbourne to “make some noise” a few times, his dancers came on stage, and we got a song – albeit not the one we wanted.

It was called Champion, sampling the Beverley Hills Cop theme, and didn’t really do much for anyone. Next, we got another new song, called Right Now! And much like Champion, no one knew it, and it was completely in his native tongue (Korean), except for the title.

PSY then let us know that he’s got a new single on the way soon – April 13 in fact – but until then, it was still all about one song. He then told the crowd that he was going to do Gangnam Style twice, first time for people to film and take photos, the next time without. Kinda smart move actually.

Anyway, the kids got their phones out and filmed the first performance. Then, a good chunk of the crowd left, but PSY was then able to kill a bit more time by getting his roadie to take a pic of him with those still hanging around, which was followed by more banter and requests to “make some noise”.

psy good life

Then he delared: “OK, let’s do this again, let’s share this special moment, just you and me, get those cameras down”.

Off we went with another dose of Gangnam Style, and then, predictably enough, that was it. Sure, the crowd got what they wanted, but if organisers splashed out big bucks for PSY (which I imagine they did), they’d probably feel a little short-changed by what he delivered. Still, considering his back catalogue, could they have expected much more?

PSY – GoodLife 2013 Melbourne Setlist:
Right Now!
Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style (Reprise)

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