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Punter Bluffs Way Backstage With Ingenious Plan, Enjoys Beers With Peking Duk

The world has a new smartest man and his name is David Spargo.

The Adelaide punter and Peking Duk mega-fan is responsible for coming up with a plan to get backstage that is so brilliant and yet so simple that you’ll want to kick your own ass for not thinking of it first.

This is what old mate did. He jumped on the Duk’s Wikipedia page and edited the entry to list himself as their “Family Member”. He then used the Wiki as ammo to hustle his way past security into the green room, backstage at their gig.

And there, not only did Spargo get to meet Adam Hyde and Reuben Styles, the pair were so impressed with his skullduggery that they even invited him to knock back a few tinnies with them.

How do we know all this? Because they posted about it on Facey today:

last night someone edited our wikipedia page to say he was our family. showed security at our show, got into the green room and had a beer with the boys.. Spargo you legend Posted by Peking Duk on Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Spargo, McGiver of the music world, we salute you. salute2 Watch: Peking Duk - Say My Name (Feat. Benjamin Joseph)

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