QOTSA’s Josh Homme Cheats Death: Avoids Head-On Collision, Literally Crashes Party

Queens Of The Stone Age’s Josh Homme is a generally cool character, but it’s still surprising to hear just how he handled a nearly fatal experience after narrowly avoiding a head-on collision in the Hollywood Hills recently, especially given the surreal circumstances.

As he tells Radio.com, Homme found himself in one of the Hills’ notoriously narrow streets in his 1967 Camaro – “the same one I’ve been driving since I was 14” – when he was faced with an out-of-control Range Rover heading straight for him.

Rather than cop the collision, he careered off course and crashed through a fence, behind which was an outdoor party and several guests. His response, in typical Homme style, was dry – jumping out of the car, he told the partygoers, “Sorry I’m late!”

As he recalls, things quickly got surreal:

“So I get out, and there was this guy who kind of looked like Kyle Gass [from Tenacious D] across the street, and he’s got a guitar on. He goes, ‘Dude, Queens of the Stone Age just ran through the fence across the street!’

“And then [the other driver] goes, ‘I’m on One Tree Hill!’ I go, ‘That’s not the way to make fans. And by the way, I almost hit one tree on this hill.’”

Ba doom tsss.

So the moral of the story is, there’s an actress from One Tree Hill who shouldn’t be driving, and it doesn’t matter how you arrive at a Hollywood house party if you’re Josh Homme.

Queens Of The Stone Age’s latest album, …Like Clockwork, hit international shelves last week, and is currently locked in an epic battle for first position on the UK charts.

(Via Loudwire)

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