Sports and superstition go hand-in-hand but when that superstition starts costing real people actual dollars than perhaps its time to pump the brakes on the crazy. That’s the sitch with San Francisco Radio stations 96.5 KOIT and KFOG Radio, who have put a temporary ban of Lorde smash single Royals.
Yep, there’ll be fewer royalties from Royals coming Lorde’s way while local baseball team The San Francisco Giants compete in the World Series against the Kansas City Royals. What’s the connection? KMBC reports it because Royals is inspired by retired Kansas City Royals third baseman George Brett.
That’s right. KFOG Radio and 96.5 KOIT have pulled Royals from rotation, until the end of the World Series, not wanting to give Kanas City any kind of psychological advantage over their hometown heroes. It’s an out-there move with, probably, no supporting evidence to back it up. But, hey, this is sports, not science.
Lorde has revealed in past interviews the idea for Royals came from a photograph she saw of a baseball player, donning a Kansas City Royals shirt, in National Geographic. As it turned out that picture was of Brett, who she later got to meet in person.
We here at Feeds aren’t the most baseball-inclined people, but after this defiant act by San Fran radio stations we know who we’re rooting for. Carn the Royals!
Watch: Lorde – Royals
Photos: Lorde – Melbourne, Festival Hall 15/07/14
Lorde - Melbourne, Festival Hall 15/07/14
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