Rainbow Serpent Festival Ends With Drug And Assault Charges

Western Victoria’s 2015 Rainbow Serpent Festival, which took place in Lexton over the Australia Day long weekend, has ended in three overdoses, multiple drug charges and an alleged indecent assault on a woman.

As the ABC reports, a 35-year-old man was remanded in custody after allegedly entering a woman’s tent at the dance event and assaulting her on the morning of Sunday, 25th January. Police also charged the man with drug trafficking and possession. He was scheduled to appear in Ballarat Magistrates Court yesterday.

10,000 punters were estimated to have been in attendance at Rainbow Serpent Festival between 23rd and 26th January. Police reportedly drug tested over 200 drivers, and charged at least three with driving under the influence of illicit substances. Ambulance Victoria have said at least three people were also taken to Ballarat Hospital following drug overdoses.

Police also charged a 38-year-old man with drug trafficking during the festival, and a 23-year-old man – who allegedly assaulted police – was also charged with drug possession.

A spokeswoman for Victoria Police has said festival-goers were generally well-behaved, but police were still concerned by the discovery of drugs at the event. A 34-year-old man died following a suspected drug overdose at the festival’s 2012 event.

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