Ryan Dunn Autopsy Results Revealed, New Party Photos Surface

Autopsy results have been revealed for Jackass star Ryan Dunn and his passenger Zachary Hartwell who died in a car crash on Monday (630 GMT) According to the coroner, each died as a result of both blunt force trauma AND the fire that consumed Dunn’s Porsche during the crash. Both were dead by the time officials arrived at the scene.

The crash hit with such force that it was impossible to determine if the men died from the impact of the crash itself or flames that engulfed the car.

West Goshen Police Chief Michael Carroll has said Dunn was travelling roughly 130 mph when his Porsche crashed.

Although there has been speculation that Dunn and Zachary were drunk, we will have to wait for toxicology results before knowing the full details and Officials say the results won’t be released for 4 to 6 weeks.

Now new photos have surfaced showing Dunn partying between the hours of 10.30pm and 2.10am. At approximately 2.30am Dunn died while he was driving to his home in West Goshen, Pennsylvania.

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