Splendour In The Grass Reveal Scalper-Crushing Ticket Resale Details

Following the frenzy of clicking that resulted in every last ticket to Splendour In The Grass 2013 being sold, organisers have today officially dished the details on this year’s Splendour ticket resale program, bringing hope to the hearts of many who purchased recklessly or missed out entirely.

Splendour had earlier calmed the nerves of many by announcing the official resale program would once again be in action and, as previously stated, it was today revealed that the program will kick off for sellers at 9am on Tuesday 4th June, with buyers being able to purchase resold tickets from 9am the following day. The whole initiative will be active until 5pm on Saturday 20th July.

Those who have tickets they no longer need have been advised to resell through this process and this process only. While there is a $20 resale fee and sellers will lose their booking fee, this is now the only authorised way to sell and purchase SITG tickets, with new names and dates of birth to be printed onto the resold ticket and checked against ID upon entry to the festival. Tickets will be resold at the original advertised sale price.

The move comes in an effort to crush ticket scalping, which may have had a helping hand with the festival’s previous system of transferring ownership of tickets. Almost immediately after sales commenced for this year’s festival, tickets began appearing online in places like Gumtree and eBay. People who purchased those tickets may be in for a nasty surprise come Splendour time.

There are instructions and a bit of a heads-up for both buyers and sellers to be found on the official Splendour page. Resale tickets will be available through Moshtix.

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