Image Via Facebook / Steel Panther

Steel Panther’s New ‘Pussy Melter’ Guitar Pedal Effect Criticised

UPDATE: Steel Panther To Rerelease Controversial Guitar Effect With “Less Offensive” Name, Apparently

ORIGINAL STORY: Steel Panther are copping some heat over their new guitar pedal effect, ‘The Pussy Melter’.

The name of the TonePrint effect preset, a collab between the tongue-in-cheek cock rock satirists’ axeman-in-chief Satchel and Danish audio company TC electronic, has been slammed as sexist by a number of fellow musicians.

A description of the pedal on TC Electronic’s website read in part: “When we met up with Steel Panther’s oh-so-humble guitarist, he had only one condition: that the tone be as wet as the ladies on the front row”.

And a number of fellow guitarists have taken offence to the writeup, including Jessica Fennelly, who launched an online petition to have the pedal removed from sale, calling it “offensive” and “obviously sexist” (which tbh is basically the principles upon which Steel Panther the band were founded, as any Fanther anyone who’s ever listened to any of their songs ever will know. ICYMI they’re a joke band)

But Braids weren’t laughing either, sharing the protest petition on Twitter alongside the comment: “What f*cking year is this ??? Pls sign my friends petition to EDIT/REMOVE @tcelectronic disgusting write up for their ‘pussy melter’ guitar effect pedal. As a female guitarist and just a female in general this makes me super disappointed!”

Emily Reo then responded: “ew what the fuck, i thought making pedals that break all the time was bad enough.”

Japanese Breakfast also commented “This is fucking disgusting”, while Ted Leo added: “HIRE WOMEN and consider that YOUR MARKET SHOULD ALSO BE WOMEN. Ya fucking troglodytes.”

And it seems their complaints have been heard, because the ‘Pussy Melter’ is now MIA from TC Electronic’s website.

At the time of writing neither the company nor Steel Panther have commented publicly on its removal.

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