The Beards Hit Back At Police Anti-Beard Campaign

The world’s greatest beard tribute band, aptly named The Beards, has responded via the band’s blog to a recently proposed policy to ban beards in the Victorian Police Force.

The policy is being championed by the Victorian Police Chief, Ken Lay, who also seeks to ban tattoos and the beard’s nemesis, the mustache. The policy has had a lot of support in the Victorian State Government, as The Beards’ official response states:

[Lay’s} blatant and outright discriminatory wish to see beards (and less importantly tattoos and mustaches) banned for all officers in the Victorian Police Force has received backing from members of the almost-entirely beardless State Government.

The band held back no punches, even naming and shaming a bearded member of the government Gavin Jennings, who has failed to stand up for their cause.

The official response calls for Lay to stand down from his position, suggesting he might be better suited for a “Victorian-era Police Force.”

They closed the statement declaring: “we see what Ken Lay is trying to do and we will not be held down. He may not be able to grow a beard, but we can.”

Could they be right? Is it a case of beard jealously? Personally, if I could grow it, I would show it.

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