Hunter Valley music festival The Gum Ball has announced it will not be returning in 2015. In an official released statement, organisers confirmed their absence from next year’s festival calendar but assured fans that The Gum Ball isn’t all chewed up yet — they’re just taking a breather in 2015 so that the boutique camping event and its team can continue to do their thing well into 2016.
“[The Gum Ball] is not another festival casualty,” the statement reads, “[but rather] just a small hard working team looking to take a short break, with plans to be back bigger than ever in 2016.”
Festival organiser Matt ‘Magpie’ Johnston says the break will give The Gum Ball team a chance to plan a yet-to-be disclosed weekend festival for October 2015 at Dashville, Belford, and focus on some personal endeavours, “We’re far from over, we just plan to take some time early next year to refresh, plan a further Dashville event, get married, travel, perhaps even record an album ourselves.”
To fill the void left in The Gum Ball’s absence the festival’s team have scheduled Dashville On Main Street, a special one-off Rolling Stones tribute concert, for Friday 14th November, 2014. The show will take place the night before the actual Rolling Stones play at Hope Estate vineyard on 15th November.
“When the biggest band in the world comes to town, it’s only right to throw a ‘party”, said Johnston. “We’re looking to keep this one pretty simple – BYO, camping, a mass gathering of friends, celebrating the music we love.”
PigSty In July, Dashville’s other popular event, is unaffected by The Gum Balls 2015 absence and will return on Saturday 4th July, 2015.
This year marked the 10th anniversary of The Gum Ball, with event being headlined by King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard, Ed Kuepper, Dyson, Stringer, and The Hello Morning