This Actor’s ‘Beyoncelogues’ Are Raw And Spellbinding

Actor and writer Nina Millin has turned the lyrics of Beyoncé into raw dramatic monologues, evoking the pop star melodramas which underpin the Bey’s music.

Through three newly released Shakespearean ‘Beyoncelogues’, Millin believes that she has found a unique creative use for her lack of singing ability.

“It all started when I tried to sing Beyoncé at karaoke, and just couldn’t do it,” Millin told Esquire. She also told the publication that she wanted “to experience the drama” of Beyoncé’s words, and that she’s been pleasantly surprised by the reactions of her friends and family.

“I think I misunderstood how beloved Beyoncé is,” Millin admitted “I think we’re really on to something here.”

It’s true; when Millin adds performative drama to lines like “To the left, to the left. Everything you own is in a box to the left”, and “I’m not feeling like myself since the baby. Are we even gonna make it?”, you can’t help but watch.

To date, Millin has given Beyoncé songs Irreplaceable, Mine and If I Were A Boy the dramatic monologue treatment. Check out the spellbinding clips below, and stay tuned because there are even more on the way.

Watch: The Beyoncelogues – Irreplaceable
The Beyoncelogues: Irreplaceable

Watch: The Beyoncelogues – Mine
The Beyoncelogues: Mine

Watch: The Beyoncelogues – If I Were A Boy
The Beyoncelogues: If I Were A Boy

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