Thom Yorke Unveils Haunting New Track ‘Villain’ During Fashion Week Show

As Fashion Week takes hold of New York City once again this week, it’s not just fashionistas who are quivering in excitement, with Radiohead fans also on tender-hooks in anticipation of Thom Yorke‘s Rag & Bone soundtrack. Titled Villain, you can listen to the track below.

An ethereal and ghostly soundscape and lasting 8 minutes, the piece was recorded with 12 members of the Brooklyn Youth Chorus. Featuring angelic voice and unsettling piano, and Yorke’s characteristic skittering beats, the track is very reminiscent of Yorke’s latest LP Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes.

His appearance at fashion week alongside Rag & Bone has become somewhat of a tradition now, with the Radiohead frontman first supplying music for fashion label’s show in September 2011. The following three years saw Yorke returning again and again to fashion week, with 2013’s soundtrack featuring Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood and 2014’s featuring the group’s long-time production partner Nigel Godrich.

It’s not the only new piece of music unveiled during New York Fashion Week, with Kanye West using the launch of his collection Yeezy Season 2 to debut his new track, the house-inspired Fade.

This is but a sideline distraction for Yorke however, with reports currently circling that Radiohead are beginning work on a follow up to 2011’s The King Of Limbs.

Stay tuned for more info regarding the album’s release, but in the meantime you can listen to Villain here below.

Watch: Thom Yorke – Villain

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