Tool Drummer Side Project VOLTO! Gets First Album ‘Incitare’

With a new Tool album either on its way to completion or hardly even started, depending on who you believe, drummer Danny Carey has confirmed an album release from his jazz-fusion band VOLTO! titled Incitare.

This is the band’s first album since starting as a jam band made up of close friends several years ago. According to Carey the first album from VOLTO! came about as a result of the band jamming in famous jazz clubs, and will feature plenty of solos from every member. Tool guitarist Adam Jones contributed the album’s cover art.

With recording legend and former Tool producer Joe Barresi at the soundboard, the new album is set to be another cracking exploration of heavy rock-jazz fusion. Check out the first track from the release, Grip It, below.

(Via Ultimate Guitar)

Listen: VOLTO! – Grip it

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