Trent Renzor’s How To Destroy Angels ‘An Omen’ EP Cover Revealed

New EP artwork for Trent Reznor’s forthcoming new collaboration project How to Destroy Angels was revealed via his wife Mariqueen Maandig’s Twitter account last night. The new EP was announced last week after Reznor, Maandig Atticus Ross, and Rob Sheridan signed a deal with Columbia Records to release their second effort this November.

A full-length album is also in the works, with a release date looking towards the beginning of next year. We might also expect some of the material from the EP to end up on the album as well. Both the EP and album have been in the works for a while now, with Reznor speaking to Rolling Stone as far back as late last year about the project. At the time they were on course to release material earlier this year.

But now with a new label, it appears it’s full steam ahead. Reznor is known for being critical of major labels in the past – hence why he has self-released a lot of his most recent releases. He explained his decision to sign with Columbia this time via Facebook:

Regarding our decision to sign with Columbia, we’ve really spent a long time thinking about things and it makes sense for a lot of reasons, including a chance to work with our old friend Mark Williams. There’s a much more granular and rambling answer I could give (and likely will in an interview someplace) but it really comes down to us experimenting and trying new things to see what best serves our needs. Complete independent releasing has its great points but also comes with shortcomings.

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