?uestlove Is Not Looking Forward To ‘Finding Dory’, And It’s All Prince’s Fault

“#EffThatFish” ?uestlove posted on Twitter today (likely referring to the animated yellow-finned star of Finding Dory and not veteran American pop sensation, Prince).

His salty outburst was triggered by the release of the first official trailer for Disney/Pixar’s highly-anticipated Finding Nemo sequel, which seemingly dredged up some not-so-fond memories for The Roots‘ drummer.

Venting on social media, ?uestlove unfolded a tale about how he was once fired by Prince, who it seems is a rather big fan of Pixar’s fishiest franchise:

So there you have it. A genuine Prince #lifehack: always keep a Finding Nemo dvd handy in case of emergencies, such as your DJ not being up to snuff.

Check out the first official trailer for Finding Dory, below.

Watch: Official Finding Dory Trailer

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