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Waka Flocka Flame Wants To Be President Of The United States

The competition just heated up for Hillary Clinton now that Waka Flocka Flame has made good on his 2012 promise and has (un)officially announced his candidacy to become the next President of the United States.

“I’m dead ass running for president in 2016,” Waka Flocka tweeted back on November 7th 2012. Now more than two years on, with the help of Rolling Stone, the rapper has launched his campaign announcement video announcement, while also detailing his election platform.

“I’m very pleased to announce today, on 4/20, the best day of the year, that I will be running for president,” he says in the video. “The first thing we do when I get into office is legalise marijuana.” Obviously.

Other orders of business on Waka’s presidential agenda include banning pets from restaurants as well as suits in Congress and stopping people with large feet from walking in public. If you’re size 13 and over, Waka says take the bus. “I don’t wanna see your big ass feet taking up all the space on the concrete.”

He’s also into education, raising the minimum wage and more respect (not rights) for women. So yeah, ah, #WakaForAmerica.

Watch the rapper try and keep a straight face through the whole mock video announcement, below.

Watch: Waka Flocka Flame for President

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