Image: The Project / Facebook

Waleed Aly Scores Signed Brian May Guitar, Fanboys Hard On ‘The Project’

The Project co-host Waleed Aly fanboyed it hard while handling his work duties last night, after he was gifted with a guitar signed by one of his heroes, Queen’s Brian May.

Aly, a noted guitar virtuoso, buttered up the esteemed Ben Elton during an on-air interview in an attempt to score the lead guitar spot in the Australian version of the We Will Rock You musical.

During the chat (below), Elton bolts off stage for a moment before returning to gift Aly with the axe, an act that was met with a legit squeal of joy from the prize-winning journalist.

“Are you joking? What’s going on?” he asks, having clearly been stitched up in the past, “I can honestly do this? I can…I can….this is….Can I play it?”

As you can see, the dude is genuinely stoked at the moment, but what happened next was probably more of a rush for a guy like Aly, because it turns out May is actually a fan of his. As Elton explains, “When he comes over he’s gonna put a lead on it. We know The Project and he knows all the good work you do… We love your politics.”

The interaction did wind up with Aly being invited to come down to join the band on one of the We Will Rock You performances. Watch him fanboy hard, below.

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