Watch A 70-Piece Orchestra Premiere ‘Yeethoven’, A Kanye West & Beethoven Mashup Concert

At the beginning of April the Young Musicians Foundation announced that it would be performing a re-imagining of the works of Kanye West and Beethoven. 

Now the YMF has performed their first “Yeethoven” concert for a public audience, pairing six works composed by Ludwig Van Beethoven and mashing them up with six songs created by Kanye West. As part of the Great Music Series, the 70-piece orchestra performed at the Aratani Theatre in LA, for the event which was free of charge.

The concert was designed to highlight the sonic similarities between Kanye’s album Yeezus and Beethoven’s work, by slowly but surely intertwining the two styles until a fully-blown mashup results.

“Obviously they (West and Beethoven) work within very different traditions,” outlined the concert’s promotional video. “But if you listen a little closer you’ll notice a lot of similarities. Their brashness creating wild contrast, thrashing juxtapositions within a single bar of music.”

Watch: Yeethoven – Blood On The Leaves

Watch: Yeethoven – New Slaves X Overture To Egmont, op. 84

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