Watch: Black Veil Brides Frontman Shatters Ribs From Balcony Fall

Frontman for Black Veil Brides, Andy Sixx (Andy Biersack) has reportedly shattered 3 ribs on his left side after jumping from a 15 foot balcony at their Hollywood Highland show yesterday.

Like the trooper he is, he went back on stage and completed the show before being rushed to hospital. He is making a slow and steady recovery.

Andy later tweeted:

Thank you Hollywood for singing with me…jumped from the balcony and broke my rib…heading to the hospital…you rule. I’ll be back soon. @AndyBVB

Shattered 3 ribs on my left side. I will keep everyone updated when I know more..4 now I’m resting so I can get back to rockin onstage asap. @AndyBVB

D.R.U.G.S. guitarist Matt Good tweeted after that:

Spent 7 hours in the hospital last night with @AndyBVB and now we are relaxing and getting him back to 100% slow and steady. @MattG00D

Black Veil Brides will be out here touring on the Soundwave Revolution line up (along with D.R.U.G.S.) in late September, we hope he’s doing OK by then!

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