Images: Hardwell / Facebook

Watch Hardwell Troll This Festival Crowd By Dropping The Pokémon Theme Song

Dutch producer and DJ Hardwell (real name Robbert van de Corput) has done the Pokémon community proud by trolling a crowd at Ultra Music Festival in Croatia with a surprise performance of the beloved Pokémon theme song, complete with Pokémon-themed lighting.

Video of Hardwell’s Pokémon troll (below) sees the DJ performing in the city of Split, before asking the crowd towards the end of his set, “Who’s ready for one more fucking song?”

The crowd cheer Hardwell on, but when he drops the fresh Pokémon goodness some punters clearly aren’t impressed. That said, others are still losing their shit as Hardwell’s stage gets lit up in Pokeballs.

Unfortunately, while Hardwell told the crowd that the Pokémon theme song would be the final song of his set, it wasn’t. He also didn’t drop any sweet, sweet Pokewave tunes during his performance, which makes Pikachu sad.

Hardwell’s talents extend far beyond Pokémon-related trolling, with the DJ having previously been named the world’s best DJ for two years in a row. He last performed in Australia in October 2014 after performing at Future Music Festival in the same year.

Watch Hardwell expertly troll his Ultra Europe crowd, below.

Watch: Hardwell Trolls Ultra Europe Crowd With Pokémon Theme Song

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