Image Via Twitter / Julia Gillard

Watch New BFFs Julia Gillard & Rihanna Bring Down The House At Massive NYC Charity Festival

Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard‘s swag rating is officially through the roof after becoming m8s with the one and only Rihanna.

Our country’s first female PM tweeted a pic of the pair just casually chillin’ in NYC to highlight a new collab between RiRi and J-Gill’s Global Partnership for Education (GPE), which ~works~ to help the most vulnerable children on the planet gain access to education:

Shortly after the newly minted pals’ vibe-filled social media bro-down, the ladies hit the stage in NYC for the massive Global Citizens festival, with the hope of amping up pressure on governments worldwide to invest more in education in some of world’s poorest regions.

Appearing alongside Norway’s PM and the former leader of Tanzania, the (frankly fab-u-lous looking) Julia told the massive crowd: “Education is the best investment we can make for a prosperous, peaceful, equitable, and future-ready world.”

The flame-haired GPE Chairwoman then beamed with pride as she announced the foundation’s brand new ambassador: “GPE is joining forces with Global Citizen, the Clara Lionel Foundation and its founder, our new global ambassador Rihanna!”

The crowd naturally lost it, even before RiRi herself hit the stage.

“I know we can amplify our efforts and ensure that millions of children gain access to education globally,” the pop superstar told the thousands in attendance (via Pedestrian TV), before (naturally) absolutely nailing a set.

And she wasn’t the only one. Kendrick Lamar, Eddie Vedder, Chris Martin, Major Lazer, Metallica and loads more were also in the house to throw their support behind the very worthy cause.

You can stream the full event right here, or else catch footage of Gillard and Rihanna’s cameos below.

Watch: Julia Gillard at Global Citizen Festival

Watch: Rihanna – ‘Diamonds’ Live At Global Citizen Festival

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