White House To Address Justin Bieber Deportation Petition

Besides prompting Men At Work frontman Colin Hay to pen stern, fatherly letter, Justin Bieber‘s recent legal misconduct led many to sign a White House petition calling for Bieber’s deportation back to Canada and it now looks like the voice of the people will finally be heard.

During a press conference on Friday, White House spokesman Jay Carney was asked whether US President Barack Obama would review the “We the People” petition, which at the time of Hay’s open letter had already garnered 8000 signatures, and presently sits at just over 238,000 signatures.

“That process will occur, as is our commitment,” said Carney, as reported by Mediaite. According to the White House website, after reaching 150 signatures within 30 days, “a petition must reach 100,000 signatures within 30 days” to cross the second threshold and see a response.

“There will be a response when the threshold is crossed. That response will come, I’m sure, relatively soon. I don’t have one now on matters related to visas. I would refer you to DHS,” added Carney, though the 100,000 signature threshold had in fact already been crossed at the time.

“We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture,” reads the petition created on 23rd January. “We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked,” it continues.

“He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society.” Bieber is currently facing arraignment on charges of drunk driving, resisting arrest, and driving with an expired license.

Bieber was already under investigation for allegedly egging a neighbour’s house in Los Angeles, which led to a police search of his home. Meanwhile, Bieber recently turned himself into Toronto Police for the alleged assault of a limo driver, though his lawyer contends the claims are untrue.

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