There’s really nothing cooler than the video you are about to watch. Amateur footage has never been so spot-on, though I struggle to think of any way the below scene could be captured badly. Very recently, Will Smith made a guest appearance on stage, where he very quickly stole the show.
Scheduled to perform on the night was Doug E Fresh, who was handling the DJ duties for Gabrielle Union’s 40th birthday party in Miami. Eager to get his Fresh Prince on, Smith jumped on stage, mic in hand, and proceeded to lay down some sweet rhymes, freestyle of course, over Doug E Fresh’s beat boxing. The whole thing is so totally old school and couldn’t be more 90s if it tried.
And that’s not even the best part. Halfway through, Smith breaks into the track Summertime, then after a brief happy birthday chant…it happens. Out of nowhere. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song live.
Guaranteed to be the coolest video you will see this afternoon, check it out, thanks to Buzzfeed.