Bieber, Madonna And J. Law “Lookalike” Band The Plastics Will Take A Dump On Your Soul

On paper, it might have… No. This is the worst idea ever. Why this unfortunate clump of plastic faced, musically ambitious celebrity “lookalikes” – a Justin Bieber, a Madonna and a Jennifer Lawrence – followed through and formed a band called The Plastics, to make music about the wonders of plastic surgery, is well and truly beyond us.

Remember Toby Sheldon, the overly enthusiastic young man who spent a wad of cash to look like a melted Justin Bieber? Well, he’s got some new best pals.

Squint the right way and Venus D’Lite, of Ru Paul’s Drag Race fame, is a dead ringer for a Madonna impersonator who hasn’t had a shit ton of work done. Kitty Jay dropped 25 Gs to sculpt herself into nothing like Jennifer Lawrence. Round up club douche Adam Barta for your beats. Presto – insta pop group!

Yes, that’s right – it took multiple talents to get this one across the line.

When you enter the world of The Plastics, nothing is real. Not the pitch, not the facial structures. The track itself and the hastily cobbled together video are also recognisable as poor imitations of popular concepts. All the culture trappings are there, minus the dignity, self awareness or talent. Even the auto-tune seems fake. Go figure.

The zombie squad now have a press agent and management team, as well as real-life, honest-to-god, trained medical professionals ready to dedicate their time to soulless steamers like these. You’re all fucked.

Watch: Toby Sheldon, Venus D’Lite and Kitty Jay – The Plastics

Watch: Unbeliebable – 33-year-old Bieber fanatic has $100k of plastic surgery to look like his idol

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