Garbage Say “The Real Facts” On Soundwave Cancellation Will Soon Be Revealed

It appears there may be more to the tale of why Garbage didn’t perform at Sydney’s Soundwave yesterday afternoon. What at first appeared to be an unfortunate result of a truck being caught up in the rain soon became a much deeper issue when Soundwave promoter AJ Maddah revealed that Garbage had apparently “refused” to change their set times to accommodate the delay. Now, though, it appears that the band thinks we still haven’t heard the full story.

6 or so hours after announcing to fans that they won’t be performing, Garbage revealed that “tomorrow the REAL facts will emerge” and followed up with a tweet this morning confirming that “what went down yesterday will be addressed later today”. They also assured their fans that “all remaining garbage shows WILL go ahead as scheduled”.

It’s not too clear what the statement is going to reveal – we presume the band will explain why they “refused” to perform on another stage or at a different time, or if they refused at all. Stay tuned for more.


It seems that “the real facts” have emerged. In a series of atypically formal Tweets, AJ has now shed more light on the situation. In response to any allegations of bad blood, AJ explained that Garbage “were very sweet and gracious even when it became apparent that the show could not happen”. Apparently the band was offered the later slot but “refused the option to have yet another stage run over time”.

Paramore was chosen out of the two bands to perform, again on account of that band’s gear arriving before 8pm, “after which there wouldn’t be enough time to set up”. Maybe Garbage and Maddah spoke on the phone before an all-out Twitter war on the issue, or maybe once again there was some miscommunication.

UPDATE: 26/02/13

Shirley Manson has apologised to her Sydney fans during last night’s Garbage show. Check it out below.

Watch: Shirley Manson apologises to Sydney fans for Garbage’s Soundwave cancellation

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