Keep Sydney Open Rally 2016 / Photo By Ashley Mar

The Results Of Sydney’s Lockout Law Review Have Been Delayed

Well, it appears as though we’re going to have to wait a little longer to find out whether there’s going to be any changes to our state-enforced bedtime.

The results of the Callinan Review into Sydney’s lockout laws have chucked a classic Axl Rose and will be arriving late.

The independent investigation into the effectiveness of the controversial fun curfew – which is being headed up by former Justice of the High Court Ian Callinan – was due to be delivered this month but, according to an update on the official government website, it will now be delayed by two weeks.

The results of Callinan’s probe into the lockout laws are now set to be unveiled on September 13th, after old mate channelled his inner uni student and requested an extension on the report.

But this could actually be spell good news for those of us who resent being told to end our nights at the casino.

Callinan’s request for extra time to examine the evidence comes just days after a landmark Supreme Court decision ruled 15 Sydney live music venues and strip clubs exempt from the lockouts.

And though #CasinoMike and his government have already launched an appeal against the decision, it’s likely that the ruling will add more fuel to the fiery anti-lockout sentiment that seems to have been ramping up of late.

We’re talking 15,000-person strong rallies, 12,000-strong petitions, robust criticism of the laws from politicians at the Council, State and federal level, not to mention businessmen, actors, radio personalities, musicians and even the Bureau Of Statistics, plus the fact that the Callinan review itself received 1,800 submissions from pissed off Sydneysiders.

Fingers crossed we’re building towards an epic and no doubt cinematic moment that will see the chains finally be ripped off Sydney – much like that scene with the genie at the end of Aladdin – and then we can all start working together to rebuild after the cultural devastation that’s been wreaked by these catastrophic laws, and work together to build a safer, more vibrant global city.

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