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17 Noughties Rock & Metal Tours We’re Psyched For In 2017

Ah, the noughties. A time when guitar-driven tunes dominated popular movie soundtracks (go on, watch American Pie 2, Little Nicky, House Of Wax, Queen Of The Damned, Roadtrip, EuroTrip or any of the other big flicks from back then again, why dontcha)…

…not to mention music TV channels, video game soundtracks and even commercial radio airwaves thanks to the power of bands like Linkin Park, Sum 41, Blink-182, Evanescence, Korn and Limp Bizkit.

Sadly, none of those groups have announced Australian tours this year. BUT we’ve rounded up a list of other equally excellent acts who have.

From nu-metal to pop-punk to alt-rock to emo and everything in between, here’s 17 noughties rock & metal tours we’re totally psyched for in 2017.

17 Noughties Rock & Metal Tours We’re Psyched For In 2017

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