Adam D Confirms KSE, Cannibal Corpse And Black Dhalia Supergroup

Rumours of a supergroup consisting of Killswitch Engage’s legendary axe-man Adam D, Cannibal Corpse vocalist George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher and The Black Dahlia Murder’s drummer Shannon Lucas have been doing the rounds for years, but a recent interview has revealed that the project is gaining some serious momentum.

Speaking with Decibel, Adam D has explained that “it was supposed to be a big hush-hush” but, with the interwebs and all, everyone has now cottoned on to the idea so he’s decided to come clean with the details once and for all.

As it turns out, the plan started coming together when all 3 outfits toured together for Mayhem Festival:

“I was just hanging out with George one night and I was like, ‘Dude, if I wrote you a bunch of songs to sing over, would you do it?’ And he was like, ‘Fuck yeah, man!” So, I’ve written about eight songs. I’ve played them for George and Shannon, and they’re both down.”

It was that simple. But implementing the concept would prove to be a tad harder. “We’re just looking for a time get into the studio,” says Adam.

As it turns out, the material isn’t some second-hand KSE or Times Of Grace stuff that didn’t make the cut – these were written solely for the supergroup:

“He’s one of my favorite singers of all time, and I thought there wouldn’t be any harm in at least asking him. Once he said yes, it was like, ‘Alright — let’s go!'”

Speaking of the musical direction the band will be taking, Adam states, “It’s not straight death metal — there’s some melodic elements in there — but it’s much faster and more aggressive than Killswitch is. And the drums are blazing, so Shannon is probably one of the only guys on the face of the earth who could pull this off.”

So Killswitch with more shred and blast beats. Interesting.

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