Apparently, Kanye West’s New Album Is Now Streaming On Pornhub

The release of Kanye West‘s new album The Life Of Pablo has been widely regarded as a clusterfuck, so it’s at least somewhat appropriate that it’s now streaming on PornHub.

That’s right, as a group of savvy redditors have just discovered, Yeezy’s new one is currently available on Tidal, PornHub and nowhere else.

The video stream so far has clocked up 2.5K views and an impressive 90% approval rating, while, apparently, its tags hilariously include:

big-tits, kanye-west, the-life-of-pablo, natural-tits, kanye, music, album, pablo, the-life, kim, kim-kardashian, kardashian, hour-long, song, the-life-of, west, kante-west, new-album

While you wouldn’t think it likely that Kanye would intentionally make T.L.O.P. available on one of the leading host sites of his wife’s infamous sex tape with Ray J, you just never know with Yeezy.

After a busy few weeks spent slagging off Pink Floyd and Alice Cooper’s producer, frothing over Will Ferrell and chucking backstage tantrums, it seems the Louis Vuitton Don has also been spending a bit of time on… The Pirate Bay?

You’ve got to hand it to Kanye – his shenanigans are never predictable.

Plus, what better way than to target all demographics simultaneously than by slapping your disc where the majority of people from all walks of life go to, ah, slap theirs?

It’s entirely possible he got the genius idea after Virgin Australia told him to EAD and he hit the search engines in a bid to decipher their intentions.

Over 18 years of age? Watch porn and stream The Life Of Pablo on PornHub.

Filed under: Fishsticks

the life of pablo


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