Photos: West Midlands Police

Bloke Steals 53 Phones In His Swimsuit At Royal Blood Concert

A man has been jailed in the UK after admitting to stealing 53 phones at a Royal Blood concert in Birmingham.

22-year-old Romanian national Alin Marin was caught ~Hook, Line & Sinker~ after undercover police spotted him pickpocketing phones in Royal Blood’s audience on Monday night, 18th December.

Marin hid the phones in the swimsuit he was wearing underneath his clothes, and was arrested shortly after leaving the gig. He was charged with theft on Monday, and has already been jailed for three years after admitting to the offence.

Local police say Marin is the latest is a line of thieves who have targeted Royal Blood fans this year.

“This was organised pickpocketing,” says Birmingham City Centre Police Sergeant Julia Slater.

“Marin went equipped to steal phones and took advantage of revellers enjoying themselves in the standing area.

“Many of the phones were taken from front jeans pockets, which people believe is a safer place to carry valuables, but due to the jostling in the mosh pit they simply didn’t realise they’d been targeted.

“He slipped phones inside the swimsuit and effectively turned himself into a deposit box for the phones, allowing him to carry tens of phones concealed around his body.”

Royal Blood will return to Australia in April for their biggest Aussie tour to date, so be wary of any dudes in swimsuits.

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