Cool President Barack Obama Is Throwing Music Festival At The White House

Outgoing US President Barack Obama is continuing to uphold his rep as the steeziest POTUS this side of JFK by throwing a bonafide music festival on White House grounds next bloody month.

We all know the Preezy is a big lover of music, having curated many a summer Spotify playlist and even delivering a keynote speech at SXSW earlier this year with his wife Michelle.

But now the Commander In Chief is one-upping his hipster cred by chucking his very own mini SXSW festival on the front lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, just outside the goddamn Oval Office.

In fact, he’s actually working with the folks from SXSW to make it happen, and together they’ve officially dubbed it “South By South Lawn” (#genius):

The one-day bash has been locked in for October 3rd and – like the real SXSW – will also include film and interactive portions as well as live music.

And while the official lineup has yet to be announced, it’s apparently set to feature performances from “well-known and emerging artists who are using their music to inspire audiences”.

It’ll be interesting to see if any of the POTUS’s faves – like Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar or our very own Courtney Barnett – will get a guernsey.

American musos can also nominate themselves or others who’ve had “a positive impact on their community” to perform as well.

We’ll bring you more details as they develop. But at any rate, it’s heartening to know that while Drumpf and Hilldawgs are duking it out over whether or not to build a giant wall to keep the White Walkers out, Obama is ending his presidential legacy just as he began it – in style.




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