Delivering Street Justice – Guy Sebastian Style

In a story worthy of Marvel Comics, Australian Idol winner and Australian Pop Royalty Guy Sebastian has apprehended a would-be intruder at his Clovelly home; however, not before crashing his motorbike twice en route.

How fitting: with all the current hype around the blockbuster film The Avengers, we didn’t notice the vigilante hero in our own backyard. As reported by The Daily Telegraph music editor Kathy McCabe, Sebastian was in the studio when he received a call from his wife, Jules, in hysterics, describing a man attempting to break into their house, where she was with their young son, Hudson. “He’s turning the front door knob, he’s trying to get in the front door”, she said.

Wasting no time at all, Sebastian hopped on his Harley Davidson motorcycle  (out on loan, by the way) and sped off. In a mad hurry, Sebastian had not one spill but two, explaining on the Kyle and Jackie O show: “It was midnight. I hopped on my bike and rode like a crazy man and I lost it around a corner”.

Arriving at the scene before police, who had also been called, Sebastian noticed the intruder: “I didn’t know what he was doing, he was just a weird bloke. He was trying to open the door…he seemed a bit out of it”. Though the intruder then noticed him and began ‘legging it’. Following what could only have been a chase of Point Break epicness, Sebastian “grabbed him and apprehended him until the cops got there”, [though not before inflicting what sources have described as a ‘king headbutt’]. “He was trying to get free. I just had him pinned with his arms in – it was pretty full on”.

According to Sebastian, “After about five minutes the cops came and that was that. That wasn’t a great day” – trying to play down the event, which would not have been out of place in any Harrison Ford film. Our very own Captain Australia…? Maybe? (That was funnier in my head).

Jokes aside, the crook was busted and charged with the offence.

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