Image: Yours & Owls Instagram / Ian Laidlaw

Good News U18 Pals: Yours & Owls Festival Announce All Ages Show

Yours & Owls are throwing an all ages festival early next year and the lineup is so good. Slated for a Sunday afternoon fest on the 24th January in Wollongong, it’s gonna be a good one.

Like Yours & Owls say, “Being a kid can be rough at the best of times, being a kid right now is next level, 2020 can GET IN THE BIN!”

So, they’re throwing an all ages event with a stacked lineup. Leading the bill is Hockey Dad, who’ll be performing newies from their album Brain Candy which came out on Friday.

There’ll be sets from locals, The Vanns and Melbourne solo artist, Jerome Farah. While Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers and Good Lekker round out the lineup.

As for COVID-19 safety concerns, Yours & Owls say they’ll be working alongside local health advisors right up until the festival, “To ensure the show is operating within whatever parameters are needed come January 2021.”

Tickets for the all ages event are on sale right now. The postponed Yours & Owls 2021 sold out in less than a day.

Catch all the event details and the lineup below and have a listen to Hockey Dad’s ‘Germaphobe’.

Yours & Owls Festival – ALL AGES Lineup

Hockey Dad

The Vanns

Jerome Farah

Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers

Good Lekker

Yours & Owls Festival – ALL AGES Dates

Tickets on sale now

4pm Sunday, 24th January 2021

UOW Uni Hall, Wollongong

Tickets: Moshtix

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