Grizzly Bear Will Start Recording Their New Album Next Month

It’s been four years since the last Grizzly Bear record Shields but by the sounds of it we won’t be waiting too much longer for a follow-up.

The band took to Twitter this morning with a few announcements for fans including the promise of new music.

“We are starting to record the new album next month with tons of songs,” they wrote also announcing that Chris Bear from the band had a baby and that they were also going to play a rally for US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

We r [sic] passionate to make amazing music for years to come! And we are passionate about changing the political system in the US,” they further wrote.

“We are ready to unleash a fresh album and hopefully under a fresh government.”

Politics aside, they “feel great” about the new bunch of songs and are “super excited” to get into the studio and start work on the record.

It’s the first time the band has tweeted from their account since last August and it’s great proof that the wheels are well and truly in motion.

Grizzly Bear were last in the country in 2013 but Daniel Rossen from the band toured his solo material here in 2015.

Watch: Grizzly Bear – Yet Again

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