Matt & Alex Meet Their Replacements, Cheeky Banter Quickly Ensues

As Australia struggles to deal with the emotional fallout of #mattandalexit, it looks like the boys’ replacements Ben Harvey and Liam Stapelton will be providing similarly banterous shenanigans next year, if their first on-air chat with their predecessors is anything to go by.

This morning, Harvey and Stapleton called into triple j Breakfast, and in between introducing themselves to listeners there was plenty of banter, which pretty much made us want to keep all four of them next year.

The questions started with Alex Dyson grilling the newbies on whether they study at “The Church Of Darude”, before dropping Sandstorm. As it turns out, Ben and Alex are well versed in the practices of that particular religion, declaring that their previous radio show involved a segment called ‘Sandstorm Fridays’.


Among other interesting tidbits, we discovered that Ben’s full name is not Benjamin, and that he enjoys wearing lots of hats. Liam then announced that although he claims to be a demi-God at FIFA, he’s actually pretty average, and that he once beat Macau’s fastest under-15 female swimmer.

What else would you really want to know?

It’s not as if Matt and Alex aren’t giving you a chance to say goodbye properly either, with the boys giving the j’s a send off in the only way they know how — with five raves in five days across Aussie capital cities next week.

Listen as Matt & Alex meet their replacements Ben & Liam for the first time live on air, below.

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